St. Agnes Academy Varsity Volleyball - #12 - OH - Kathleen Bula; 2019 match vs. Briarcrest.
Kathleen Bula - #12 - Class of 2020 - St. Agnes Academy - Six Rotation Outside Hitter - Highlights from Hutchison at St. Agnes Academy - Hitting, Digs/Serve Receive & Assists
Kathleen Bula - Class of 2020 - Outside Hitter - #12 - St. Agnes Academy - Hitting Highlights from August 11, 2018 Playday at Houston High School.
Kathleen Bula Class of 2020 - Outside Hitter - St. Agnes Academy #12 - Houston High School Playday - Blocking Highlights and Back Row Attack Highlights

Kathleen Bula Class of 2020 - Sweet Tea Showdown 2018 - #4 OH - Memphis Volleyball Academy 17s - Bronze Champions - Hitting & Blocking Highlights

Kathleen Bula Class of 2020 - Outside Hitter - MJVa 16-1 Jersey #7 - Outside Hitting Highlights from the 2018 Lone Star Qualifier
Kathleen Bula - Class of 2020 - MJVA 16-1 - Jersey #7 - OH - 2018 Show Me Qualifier Passing Highlights
Kathleen Bula - Class of 2020 - OH - MJVA 16-1 - Jersey #7; hitting highlights from the 2018 Show Me Qualifier in Kansas City, MO
Kathleen Bula - Class of 2020 - MJVA 16-1 - Jersey #7 Mideast Qualifier - Indianapolis - Highlights of passing and serving
Kathleen Bula - Class of 2020 - MJVA 16-1 - Jersey #7 Mideast Qualifier - Indianapolis - highlights of right side attacks and blocking.
Kathleen Bula Class of 2020 - MJVA 16-1 Jersey #7 - MEQ 2018 Highlights at OH Position
Kathleen Bula Class of 2020 - MJVA 16-1 - Jersey #7 - OH - Highlights from the 2018 Bluegrass Qualifier

2020 Kathleen Bula - #7 - Memphis Juniors 16-1 - OH; Highlights for January/February 2018

Kathleen Bula - Class of 2020 - St. Agnes Academy #12 - MB/RS - Varsity Volleyball Highlights - 2017

Kathleen Bula Class of 2020 - MJVA 15-1 Jersey #1 - Highlights from the 2017 Show Me Qualifier
Kathleen Bula Class of 2020 - MJVA 15-1 Jersey #1 - Highlights from the Lone Star Classic playing up with MJVA 17-1
Kathleen Bula Class of 2020 - MJVA #1 OH - Highlights from the 2017 Bluegrass Tournament
Kathleen Bula OH Class of 2020 MJVA 15-1 Highlights from the 2017 Delta Region Championship
Beast of the Southeast Highlights - Atlanta, February 25-26, 2017; Kathleen Bula Class of 2020 - Memphis Juniors (MJVA) 15-1; Wearing Jersey #1
Presidents Day Highlights - St. Louis February 18-20, 2017; Kathleen Bula Class of 2020 - Memphis Juniors (MJVA) 15-1; Wearing Jersey #1
Kathleen Bula #1 MJVA 15 Elite - Class of 2020 - Highlights from Memphis Challenge 2017. Highlights include outside hitting, digs, serve receive, serving, blocks, pancake, etc.
Kathleen Bula #1 - Class of 2020 - MJVA 15 Elite competes at the 2017 K2 Tournament in the 15 Power Division. Highlights include outside, digs/serve receive, blocks and serving.
Kathleen Bula #1 Class of 2020 competes with MJVA 17 Elite for the L'il Big South Tournament January 14-16, 2017. Highlights reflect OH, Blocks, Digs, RS, and Serving.
St. Agnes Academy Varsity Volleyball - Kathleen Bula Highlights - #12 (white long sleeve, blue short sleeve)
Kathleen Bula #12 Highlights - St. Agnes vs. Germantown - September 2016

MaxPreps Top 20 Ranked Briarcrest vs. St. Agnes Academy - # 12 Kathleen Bula St. Agnes Academy (White Jersey) - August 2016

Highlights of the 2016 club season - serving, digging, blocks, serve receive, and hits from outside, middle, right/opposite and back row.

Kathleen Bula - #7 - Highlights from Delta Region Championship Tournament - April 9 & 10, 2016

# 7 Kathleen Bula at the net - we didn't beat the gold champion, but she sure took advantage of these opportunities!

2016 Presidents' Day Classic, Hot Springs - 14 Club Gold Bracket Winning Point - Kathleen Bula #7 (middle position)

Delta Region Qualifier - 4/4/15 - Middle Hit by #1, Kathleen Bula.

Kathleen Bula #1 serves 13 points for a semifinal win over second ranked Aces on 4/6/14.